A selection of clinical videos concerning the use of diode laser in the dental field.
Fibroma remotion with diode laser
The diode laser system has found application for different oral diseases and it’s considered a versatile and comfortable solution for the Patients. Traumatic or irritation fibroma is a common benign exophytic oral easily treated by diode laser system.
Gum depigmentation with diode laser
Gum depigmentation is a procedure used in cosmetic dentistry to remove black spots or patches on the gums caused by melanin. Discoloration may also be caused by long-term use of certain medications, crowns, etc. The procedure itself involve the laser ablation technique as a quick and stable solution.
Periodontics application with diode laser
Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory caused by a bacterial infection. The diode laser’s effectiveness in germs and bacteria reduction has been well-investigated and documented.
Hemangioma with diode laser
Hemangiomas are benign vascular proliferations consisting of numerous capillary structures and are especially common on the tongue, lips, jugal mucous membrane, and gums. The use of diode laser is used to reduce bleeding and to promote quick healing. See the video on YOUTUBE
Dental whitening with diode laser
The clinical possibilities of dental diode laser are wide and different. Oral cosmetic procedures include teeth whitening as one of the most reliable application for the shiner smile.